ঘানি গাছ: [noun] axletree; [প্রতিশব্দ] ঘানিগাছ;
Related Words
ঘানি গাছ  ঘানি টানা  ঘানি-গাছ  ঘানিগাছ  ঘাবড়ান  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Wikipedia 3.Wiktionary.org
Appropriate Prepositions
Answerable to (কারো কাছে জবাবদিহিতা করা): He is not answerable to anybody for his mistake.
Appropriate to(যোগ্য): His answer is appropriate to the question.
Attend to(মনোযোগ দেওয়া): Please attend to my advice.
Call in(ডাকিয়া আনা): They called in a doctor.
Count for(গণ্য বা বিবেচিত হওয়া): There can be no lasting peace without true democracy in which the people play a part and count for something.
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At one’s elbow (near at hand — হাতের কাছে – adv.) His private secretary is always at his elbow.
Die in harness (কর্মরত অবস্থায় মারা যাওয়া): Dr. Sen died in harness.
Flesh and blood (রক্তমাংসের শরীর): She's my own flesh and blood; I can't believe she treated me that way!
Lose heart (হতাশ হওয়া) — Do not lose heart in danger.
Upper hand (প্রাধান্য) - He got the upper hand in the selection.